Hydrological cycle

                  Hydrological cycle or water cycle is change phase of water. Describes the continuous movement of water on above and below the surface of the earth. Rain in river and get a sunlight the water is vaporization and condensation. After rain again and this way forever. Hydrological cycle is important for plants, animals and human.
                   The rain cause of Hydrological cycle. We all known that rain is good for our plants, it give us fresh water to drink, helps farm to growth crops, keep everything green and lush and is funny to run around in. The rain is water vaporises in the atmosphere and there is cool down and form tiny water droplets through something called “condensation” these tiny droplets then turn into clouds. After condensation become the rain fall.
                     After the rain fall air is moisturizer and fresh. That good result to ecosystem rain help the crops are growing up. That have aquatic plants such as lotus and aquatic animals such as fish, crabs and shrimp. The water cycle maintain ecosystem balance.
                     If the ecosystem balance the organisms become to fertile. In addition water is collect in soil and plant roots its absorption the water. In plants have xylem for absorb water for other such stem and leaf and absorb water to store for other organisms in ecosystem.
                      From the above Hydrological cycle is the most important for organisms and ecosystem. That cause of the rain fall to help the crops, animals and human to grown up and fresh air also add the moisturizer air. And significant hydrological cycle maintain ecosystem balance.
The editor of Encyclepaedia Britannica.[2017,May 4].water cycle.Retrived from https://www.britannica.com

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